Spotted: 'Little J' ( 6,0) spreading her wings!

Once upon a time , there was a african - german ' wanna be fashionista', who left her kingdom oversaeas to live the magical American way of life as an Au Pair. She soon discovered that life as an Au Pair with only 1 hostkid has more ups than downs & leaves plenty of room to fulfill her passions.

Is ' Little J' going to make it out there? - Follow her and we shall see .....

> and who em I? Thats a secret you already know -You know you love me <

Hey Fashionistas!

My name is Juliet, 20yrs old and currently living in the USA as an Au Pair. Born and raised in Germany ( yes - there are really black folks living there lol)
I'm not one of them skinny minnies call me fortunate or not lol . 
My vision is 'Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.'  We all come in different color, shape and size and thats good. I hope all the women out there love theirselves because I know, I do.
 Next to look of the days,  i will feature Hauls,beauty products accessories i can't live without,thrift treasures and whatever pops up.
If there are any questions, requests or job offers ( I doubt it lol ) let me know:
.Stay heavenly fab!
                                                                                                              Bisou, Bisou